On the move to Mandalay
All flight information in Burmese After 2 days of wandering around in Yangon, I decided to move to Mandalay. The flight went smoothly. But it could have turned out different. The boarding gate displays nothing; when a plane leaves, someone with a sign walks through the hall, with all flight information in Burmese, of course.…
Buddhist Initiation at Shwedagon
Visiting the Shwedagon pilgrimage site Today in the afternoon I visited the Shwedagon pagoda where I had an unexpected Buddhist initiation. Without any debate, this temple is unquestionably the most significant in Myanmar. It contains one massive stupa covered with gold leaves, and around it, you have numerous other temples and shrines, showcasing unique architectural…
First Impressions of Myanmar
Lots of malfunctions in Yangon More specifically I am talking about my initial encounters in Yangon in Myanmar. As it is my first time I visit this country, I had no idea, but it is even worse here than expected. Dilapidated streets, parts of the road have been broken up, and not replaced. Apartment blocks where…